SEVEN ARTISTS ONE PEBBLE SEVEN JOURNEYS Ilkley Manor House 6 – 15 April 2018
October 26, 2017
The seven artists, of whom I am one, of the Pebble Projects group, each used a pebble as a starting point to work in 7 different ways, coming together to reveal our separate yet collaborative journeys, working in a diverse variety of media.
The SEVEN ARTISTS ONE PEBBLE SEVEN JOURNEYS exhibition, Ilkley Manor House was the venue for this inspirational and exciting exhibition and was huge success as our first joint venture.
‘Solid as a Rock’ below is my final and largest (214 x 122 cm) painting for the exhibition.
It encompasses all that we are and can be, and all that we endure remaining strong and steady for those we love and care about.
See: Collections – Pebble Projects for further information about the individual paintings I created for the exhibition which are experimental pieces made using found pebbles, crushing them to make pigment with which to paint. Other pure pigments extracted from rock I bought from various sources.
Photo of me with the lovely Alan Titchmarsh, who was born and bred in Ilkley, commenting favourably on my painting! He formally opened Ilkley Manor House which had been left empty and unused for years. The Ilkley Manor House Trust were hugely instrumental in bringing this important, beautiful, historically important building back to life.
One quick moment hanging in my house.
Photo of slivers of different artists’ work.
Photo showing artists’ work in one corner of the beautiful Ilkley Manor House
Another corner of this fabulous old building with more work by the Pebble Projects artists.