SUMMER SHOW – LA GALLERIA, Pall Mall, London 9 -14 July 2018
May 30, 2018
I am thrilled to have been accepted for the Summer Show at La Galleria, Pall Mall, London in which four of my paintings, including the one shown above ‘Reach for the Sky’ will be displayed amongst many other artists work.
‘Reach for the Sky’ depicts ambition and doing the best for yourself, and for friends and family and laughing together, striving to be strong and to be the best person you can be which, of course, is sometimes tricky in reality.
Inspiration was my family’s trip to Finland where every day we remarked on the incredible beauty of the sky. ‘Look at the sky’ became our saying of the holiday, and the sight was particularly awesome when we snowmobiled to the top of the world, or so it seemed, to watch the sun setting. It was a steep, incident full journey but well worth the breath-taking scene on arrival.
I have used natural pigments combined with Plaster of Paris sieved like snowflakes falling onto some surfaces, transparent pigment & opaque household paint, gorgeous colours from Farrow & Ball and Designers Guild, to make this painting.
Visit lagalleria.org/summer-show-2018