And Then This Happened…

Acrylic on Canvas 50 x 50 cm

A painting comes together when I pour paint and random shapes and colour mixes occur. I manipulate areas and paint over unsuccessful parts and this time this happened – a bright and breezy shock of colour alluding to fresh growth and Springtime ahead.

Sometimes this just Happens!

Mixed Media on Canvas 40 x 40cm

For this painting I began as usual pouring water, pure pigment, binder and paint of various types onto the canvas and allowing the results to dictate where the image went and evolved. Then I added crushed pebbles, India ink, Plaster of Paris and more pure natural pigments which accidentally, subconsciously became an abstract snowy landscape – started before the wild snowy weather arrived and completed during.

‘Sometimes this just Happens’ is the title because it does! Just like our British weather – my paintings take on an unpredictable journey and may change utterly during their creation and from inspiration to completion.


Acrylic on Canvas 41cm x 41cm

Sweet Dreams

Acrylic on Canvas 122 x 122 cm

Sweet Dreams is about my lovely daughter Jo @designbyjobee who has incredible memorable dreams which are often unnerving. I want to send her beautiful magical dreams via my painting!

Moonlight & Dancing

Acrylic on Canvas 50 x 50 cm

Remembering those heady romantic evenings when sitting in the moonlight with that frisson of attraction to another is encapsulated in this painting. Sea shores, cliffs and hills are all lit by the magic of moonlight. I see the two little white dots as a couple huddled together sharing secrets dancing around in their heads; maybe dancing, bodies close and making plans as though they were the only ones in the world in love.

When a painting, which began by throwing water onto canvas and then paint poured and brushed becomes like this, I find it almost impossible to see it any other way. You may have your own interpretation which I would love to hear and which is always as valid and real as my own.

The Journey

A long time – years in fact – to complete, this large canvas ‘The Journey’ (6′ x 4′) is all about my Father’s dementia and deterioration – his ‘journey’ into a world of confusion, fear and ultimately his demise. There are many significant and very personal parts to this work and his memory was a constant throughout its creation over time. I found it uplifting to paint as he was a wonderful and kind human being. Others may see different things in this painting but the joy it brings to me is of the essence of the father I loved.

Acrylic on Canvas 182 x 122 cm