Luminous Beauty

Acrylic on Canvas 91 x 61 cm

Luminous light shines through in the centre of this painting and I find it mesmerisingly beautiful, so much so that it has pride of place in my living room, for now!

Water, Water, Everywhere

Acrylic on Canvas 75 x 75 cm

‘Nor any drop to drink’ from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Rain and more rain this winter is a sign of global warming due to our destructive practices. The poem is all about what happens when man tampers with Nature. The ancient mariner shot and killed an albatross which he was forced to hang around his neck as punishment. Bad luck befell him, all his crew died and yet he ‘could not die’ but survived in a nightmarish hell. He lived to tell this tortuous tale and how he came to a moment of lucidity finally understanding the beauty and wonder of Nature.

I have always considered that the end of the human race might come about due to a lack of clean water to sustain life. Humans have polluted the World’s life giving substance. Is it too late to stop, and to reverse this?

Fragment (because it was loved)

Acrylic on Canvas Board 27.5 x 34 cm

This fragment was a small section of a larger painting which I, and others, loved so I cut it up. The result is a small soft and gentle painting in which the colours I keep coming back to are life enhancing, happy ones.

Power & Fury

Acrylic on Canvas 91cm x 91cm

Living by the sea for half of my life, the dramatic roar and crash of waves upon the rocks and the sound of the water as it is sucked back down through the crevices in the rocks, was thrilling. I walked in bad weather when nobody else would, to enjoy those exhilarating storms. The sun, when it briefly shone, flooded the rocks with a fiery blood red.


Acrylic on Canvas 152.5 x 122 cm

Light and dreamy this painting is floaty and fresh allowing one to imagine a place full of light and love. The soft pale colours and loose painterly style together with the dripping effect conjure up images of vast landscapes and beautiful constantly changing scudding skies.



Acrylic on Canvas 61 x 61 cm

‘Whoosh!’ is one of my family and public favourites and each individual sees something different and finds their own meaning in this painting.

I have tried to create movement and imbue joyfulness with my use of colour. The fine dark curved brushstroke is the final element, without which the painting would fail.

I have been commissioned on more than one occasion to create a similar painting to fit particular spaces for clients. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any specific requests for artwork.

In My Daughter’s Head

Acrylic on Canvas 91 x 91 cm

As I was finishing this painting my daughter arrived home and remarked that it expressed exactly what she was experiencing at that time. With some additions which we share privately this is the result of a very personal painting for us both.