Working in my first floor studio with a view I make abstract paintings and collages which dance with delicious colour. Dreamy artworks, imbued with a profusion of beautiful shapes and subtle veils of colour, soft and gentle or rich, bold and vibrant, are further enhanced with mark making techniques and texture. Constructed and deconstructed, painted, overlaid and altered many times I continue with this process until all the disparate components share an enriched symbiosis aiming to articulate that elusive personally significant and visually engaging magic.
Colour and abstraction make my heart sing – I love warm colours especially pinks, hot or delicate. I pour paint, primarily acrylics and household, ink, fabric dyes and a variety of other liquids like tea onto the surface, building layers randomly in both media and meaning, each equally critical for success. Brushing, scraping, staining, drawing, printing and through other processes, sometimes adding textures using crushed Yorkshire stone or coal, or Plaster of Paris, elements are revealed and concealed. By developing and experimenting with a variety of mark making techniques, I alter the image until an intangible excitement is captured within and I work until the image delights. Joyful and spontaneous, my paintings are intimate expressions of how I see and interpret the world around and within me.
I collect rubbish like a magpie, shiny colourful textural interesting to me rubbish, squirrelled away, gathering dust until I root around to find the perfect piece. From packaging to wrapping paper and cellophane to my old cut up and torn artworks, from fabric to gold leaf and inks to household paint, from teabag dust to string and feathers to bark and so much more I have gathered and stored ‘stuff’ as it may come in useful one day! Screen printing often provides the basic layer upon which to develop my collages, then, plundering the paraphernalia while absorbing the feeling within each artwork I am wholly unaware of all else around me and meaning materialises, often unfolding subconsciously.
BA Fine Art, Reading University
PGCE, Stranmillis College, Belfast
Head of Art, Rockport Preparatory School, Northern Ireland
Art Co-ordinator, Westville House, Ilkley, West Yorkshire
My work is in private and corporate collections in the UK and overseas.
Harrison Robinson Estate Agents, Ilkley – My paintings are permanently on display in this beautiful space and are available to view, and buy, any time. The lovely staff are happy to show you my work alongside selling houses! The display is regularly refreshed and rehung when new work is available.
• ILKLEY ARTS POP UP – Ilkley Arts Studio, 4 Castle Yard Ilkley, LS29 9DT – 26 & 27 April 10am – 4pm